Tuesday, May 20, 2008

Tomorrow is Abbey's last day in her 2-yr-old preschool class.
When she returns in the fall, she'll be three, and going five days a week.
She had such a great year with all of her friends and her amazing teacher, Mrs. Martinez.
We actually found out today that Mrs. Martinez is retiring - we're so thankful that God saw fit to keep her in her classroom long enough to bless our sweet Abbey. All of Abbey's forthcoming teachers sure have some big shoes to fill; Mrs. Martinez set the bar really high as her first! Mommy took the day off to attend the program, and Daddy slipped away from work.
Grampa, Popi, Tina, and GG also came to watch her sing and "graduate."
Here are some pics of our almost-3-yr-old (we got a video, too, and I'll post it when I have time):


w said...

very nice, wasn't it? weren't you recognized as "class mom" or something? :)

slivengo said...

Oh my goodness! Abbey is getting so big! Hard to believe she'll be three soon! Where does the time go? Hope you are doing well and that you can maybe enjoy some time off from school this summer! Miss you guys!

Carrie Friday said...

Oh Abbey! How precious!

Stacey Moore said...

Winn is correct - and she's trying to embarass me by pointing it out.(it worked =P )